Star-gazing upon Putin-Huilo and hearing it’s celestial song for all eternity…

By EuroMaydan on FB
Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine


Now it’s forever and official. Ukrainian astronomers, together with international colleagues at the request of other activists have called a star in honor of Putin:”Putin-Huilo!”

The star was named within the project “PALE BLUE DOT,” which is part of the international organization “White Dwarf Research Corporation” which supports astronomical research.

The celestial coordinates of the Putin-Huilo! Star are:

Right ascension: 18 h 59 m 47.09 s Slope: 46 * 26 ‘ 44 ‘, ‘ magnitude: 11.

The number of the star in the international directory: KIC 9696936
[VoU Editor: ok, those numbers are too funny also].

The star is located in the field of view of the “Kepler” telescope (between the constellation Lyra and Swan). It is in close proximity to the Vega star (second in brightness in the northern hemisphere), [and between it and the] Deneb [system] and Albireo, which helps in the search for a star with a new name.

The star is recorded in the databases of the program Google Earth, which is also available on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Kepler, the international astronomical directory, records the everlasting names of all stars.

[VoU Editor’s note: And so the celestial heavens shall sing for time immemorial: Putin-Huilo!].

Source: EuroMaydan FB

Kepler Telescope view of the Milky Way section where Putin-Huilo! is located. Map:

Kepler Telescope view of the Milky Way section where Putin-Huilo! is located. Map: William Pawlowsky.

And from a reader, who is an astronomer who took this photo for us (how cool is that?), it’s the little white dot in the center with the 2 arrows pointing to it:

Putin-Huilo! star

Putin-Huilo! star

Source link:


William Pawlowsky: Putin Huilo adopts Star KIC 9696936

The Wire: Ukrainian Astronomers Named a Star ‘Putin Is a D**khead’

Voices of Ukraine: The Etymology of the Word: “Huylo” (as in “Putin Huylo”)


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4 Responses to Star-gazing upon Putin-Huilo and hearing it’s celestial song for all eternity…

  1. U_key says:

    Fuc king Star

  2. Pingback: The Etymology of the Word: “Huylo” (as in “Putin Huylo”) | Voices of Ukraine

  3. Lorren says:

    When you wish upon a star
    Makes no difference what a dickhead you are!
    You can grab your neighbors land and
    The world will coo!

  4. Here is a photograph I have taken of it:

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