In Mikolaiv: policemen dismissed, while the authority barricades the Regional State Administration against terrifying attack of Banderites

2014-01-30 12:10  Argument
Translated by Yuliya Nesterenko

Dozens of Mikolaiv police officers turn in their resignation. Especially those who visited Kiev, Nikvesti informs.

The policemen say that they do not want to stand against their own people. Besides, they are tired of the disorder and lawlessness that reign in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And at this time, in the regional administration intense preparations for the invasion of an invisible enemy are under way: controlled access is enhanced, the doors are closed on the inside with wooden shields. They joke nervously that any moment they expect bombing aircraft to take off from Lviv.

«Idiocy has bound the peninsula, frozen in the Southern Bug river bend, and it seems that a little bit more, and a sense of fear will freeze in the air», the media writes .

«Groups of people from other cities are brought to our region in order to destroy stability in our city, seize the administrative buildings, frighten our people. That is how during the Great Patriotic War the Nazis acted… I’ll tell you what stops the raiders from mass riots. They see that we outnumber them, outnumber them considerably. They see that we take a strong stand, and they are afraid of our stand. They are afraid of us. They are afraid that we are the force that goes against them and that is able to wipe out everyone who encroaches on our freedom and security», the head of the Mikolaiv regional council, the Party of Regions member Dyatlov claimed.

These words, recorded in a video message, were heard by all of Ukraine. Some people openly ridiculed the «young star» of Mikolaiv politics. Others were seriously upset, and finally understood, why the incidents with Oksana Makar and the Vradievka riot had happened exactly in the Mikolaiv region.

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