EESC President Malosse returns to Maidan stage to address the people (video)

30. 1. 2014
Translation by Klaus Rohrer

EECC President Henry Malosse

EESC President Henri Malosse

On his second visit to Kiev’s Maidan square, Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), from Brussels, came to the Maidan stage at the side of Ruslana and spoke some greetings in Ukrainian and then made a short speech in English with a Ukrainian translator present. Here are the words from that address:

“Good evening! I am very happy to be here with you! …

I speak in my name, in the name of European Union, we all are full of compassion for all the people that suffer, for all the wounded, for the people who gave their lives for the Ukraine and for Europe. I am very worried for all the people that disappeared. …

We were together last week with Ruslana and Mister Barroso in the European Economic and Social Committee’s site in Brussels. We asked for stronger support of the European Union for the civic movement for Maidan.

Because your fight is our fight: your fight for European values, human rights, state of law, transparency, the real democracy! We will always be with you, we will never give up!

I was here last month, I am here today, and I will come as long as it will be necessary for the government will listen to you and to respect your wishes. With Ruslana we made the issue that it is necessary to think about sanctions against the people who make fears, against the people who killed, who wounded, who did not respect human rights.

Here is the future of Europe: I really admire what you are doing here! All Europe admires you, all Europe supports you!

Slava Ucrayini!”



For information on other visits and updates of President Malosse’s work in Ukraine please see here:

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