NADIYA SAVCHENKO photos & video for JAN 5th Action

Here are some photos you can use for the NADIYA SAVCHENKO campaign tomorrow, January 5th, started by @Glasnostgone:

Some things to note:
• She was illegally abducted and taken to Russia in uniform with a bag over her head
• On Jan. 5th she will be on her 22nd day of a hunger strike. Mahatma Gandhi only ever took a hunger strike to 21 days (3x in his life). She is not allowed to see her lawyer until Jan. 12 at the earliest
• She is innocent of the false charges for which she was arrested
• Her health is suffering and she is not receiving treatment for an ear infection that is leaving her deaf in one ear

For more information please see our earlier post with link to Nadiya facts here (or google her name).

Please remember to put the hashtag: #FreeSavchenko on every single one of your tweets! This helps to create a storm and to have it trend publicly so others can see the numbers and become more aware.

You can also visit #FreeSavchenko on Twitter for more inspiration, text to use, addresses others are sending to, etc. There will also be free videos about Nadiya (about our Cyborgs at the Donetsk airport and about Maidan) whose links can also be tweeted (or emailed) with the hashtag #FreeSavchenko.

Here’s a video you can send out this link to:

Goals: raising public awareness, media attention, and political pressure

Take a photo of yourself holding a #Free Savchenko hashtag or use one of these photos and send to as many media and political people as you can in your area. Write Free Nadiya Savchenko in your own language on these. Send as many as you can, as many times in the day as you can, to as many persons as you can, to raise awareness of her plight, put pressure on media and politicians to make it a priority, go after the large media, bigger stories put bigger pressure on politicians because more people become aware and start asking questions. If you have connections to media/politics USE THEM as you send this. Feel free to send it to Amnesty International as well. That’s it folks. Take a minute to look up your addresses today in preparation and pick your images or create your photo. We can all at least play a small part in the information war and let the Kremlin know we are not forgetting our strategic political prisoners. Let’s do this, world!

Click on image/s to enlarge and download:


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4 Responses to NADIYA SAVCHENKO photos & video for JAN 5th Action

  1. Lydia Mamchak says:


  2. Lydia Mamchak says:


  3. Free Nadiya Savchenko she is illegally detained and falsely accused.

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