Donbas Battalion: We are paying very dearly. But, for what?

By Maks Levin, photographer at
Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

Bad news, near Donetsk. From the words of Maks Dondyuk: Donbas [Battalion] is in Ilovaisk. Entrenched. Also there are motorized infantrymen there. There are armored vehicles. But really it’s a meat grinder there. Ours are being fired at with everything possible–Grads, mortars, anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft guns, tanks, snipers. In the Donbas, [there are] 4–[Cargo] 200’s [killed]. More than a dozen wounded. They cannot in any way get out of Ilovaisk. The place where Donbas is now based is being shelled–Grads, mortars. Shells completely destroyed a bus that was standing in the yard.

According to Maks, Azov and Dnipro Battalions left Ilovaisk.

Support is VERY much needed, in order to hold the city.

Semenchenko was in an armored vest, but a very serious shrapnel ended up in his shoulder blade–knocked him off his feet. And then again in the leg. And I thought that the battalion commanders are invincible.

They killed the amazing Ukrainian American “Franko” (Mark Paslavski), fuck. A cheerful diasporan with a Canadian accent, how he cussed in Ukrainian, so fantastically beautiful. I was to give him these photos–[they] printed them out. He dreamed of entering Donetsk and then returning to Kyiv, to sell an apartment in Lviv and settle somewhere comfortable in the Carpathian Mountains.

Franko, Mark Paslavski

VICE News “Russian Roulette: Dispatch 66” with Franko:

Mikhailyna [Skoryk, journalist and wife of Shulz]. I have no words. Hang in there. ‘Schulz’–such a calm and confident guy. It seems he wasn’t afraid of anything.


Shulz, Serhiy Oleksandrovich, husband of journalist Mykhailyna Skoryk


We are paying very dearly. But, for what?

Source: Maks Levin

“Urban warfare is the most difficult art of all close combat tactics. The enemy can wait for you anywhere and shoot from an attic, basement or a kindergarten. The terrorists are firing mortars from the part of the city they control not caring whether they hit residential buildings. Last night after the death of Ulybka (Smiley) four other heroes of the National Guard Donbas Battalion were killed as well as four heroes from the Shakhtarsk special police battalion. Also a Ukrainian citizen of American origin call sign Franko from the Donbas battalion was killed,” –Adviser to the Interior Minister Anton Gerashchenko on his Facebook page.


Mikhailyna Skoryk FB:
He wanted to go out a hero. He went. In Ilovaisk. For Ukraine, for friends, for victory and for a peaceful Donbas.

No need to call. Or write. It’s enough to pray for peace and an end to this nightmare.

 The Media Center of Donbas Battalion informs: August 18th

After fierce daytime fighting Defense Force Donbas entered Ilovaisk, which is a key defense object of separatists situated to the west from Donetsk.
As of 19:00 terrorists are dislodged from half of the city. The fighting is still going on.


Semyon Semenchenko, Donbas Battalion Commander, FB post August 19th:

We are in Ilovaisk.

Yesterday the Donbas Battalion, a separate company of the Dniepr Battalion, and the 2nd Azov Battalion platoon were engaged in heavy fighting on the outskirts of the city. Faced with fierce resistance, suffering losses, Dniepr and Azov gained a foothold on the outskirts of the city. Their job was done perfectly. Attack units of the battalion Donbas, sweeping away terrorist roadblocks, entered the city from several directions, and by 19:00 took control of the eastern part of the city. Judging by the desperate running away of  supporters of the “Russian world,” we have already learned to do coverage and raids. We are entrenched for the night right in the city, nutrition and psychological assistance to residents who are in the basements of office buildings and bomb shelters has been organized. To build on the success, it was decided not to be a static target at night but to organize a night raid. During the night, three checkpoints and four enemy firing points were destroyed. It has not even helped the separatists to fire the Grad at Donbas, into the very center of city, which the terrorists held onto directly from the territory of Donetsk. The movement of the column [convoy] which was supposed to help the terrorists was also blocked. By 5 am, about two thirds of the city was under control, the city is completely surrounded. We ask people not to leave their shelters, we will try to finish everything quickly. The rotation of combined BMP APU [auxiliary power unit] also could not get into the city, but the morning brought armored vehicles, they are now with us. Glory to Ukraine!

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3 Responses to Donbas Battalion: We are paying very dearly. But, for what?

  1. Robert says:

    Battalion needs Artillery Support, needs its own Arty Support.

  2. The batallions did a huge job and was in fact winning. Then Putin started shooting over the border , and when that didnt prevent the the batallions and Ukraine army from winning then Russia send disquised regular army (and still shoot over the border) , satelites record everything – all the countries in the world know how Russia is lying. Ukraine wonn a lot of goodwill and hopefulle some help will come too. Besides Russia will meed much more severe sanctions. Inside Ukraine people start to realize what is going on and how important it is for Ukraine to have en army. I believe that is what the battalions was fighting for! That is not a defeat in spite of the terrible losses. many greetings Jacob Schonberg , danish citizen , guest in Ukraine

    • chervonaruta says:

      Thank you Jacob, we agree. That is a question that must always be asked in a war, and that every soldier asks him/herself. Because of Ukraine’s history under Soviet control and inability to fully rid itself of post-Soviet corruption, there are enemies within and without, putting soldiers and decent commanders in a very very difficult position. This article reflects that reality as well.

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