Nadiya Savchenko letter from prison: Court & Cockroaches. #FreeSavchenko

By Nadiya Savchenko, letter from Novocherkassk prison on 10.02.2015
Translated by Sarah Hurst

I’ll write to you about my news.

I’m not bored now and I go to court as if to work three days a week. It’s two hours each way and eight hours in court. When I get back I go straight to sleep from exhaustion. But it’s so nice! I haven’t felt physical tiredness for such a long time, that I’m glad about it. My appetite even came back! Really an appetite, not just a feeling of hunger! 😉

I came back from court yesterday evening, looked at my cell and it seemed so dirty to me, so messy, with dust everywhere. When you sit in it for days on end you don’t notice, but you come in from outside and it strikes you immediately. This morning when I got up I did a clean-up, wiped all my things, shook out the blanket during exercise, replied to all my letters and it was sorted! Exupéry wrote in The Little Prince for good reason: “I get up, sort myself out, and my thoughts are neatly arranged in my head!” And tomorrow in clean and neat surroundings I’ll start doing creative quilling and origami again.

It was so messy that cockroaches had moved in. True, they came through the pipes to my room from my neighbour’s a long time ago. But when they were crawling into the toilet at night they didn’t bother me. They gave me some powder, poison, I sprinkled it in the corners, chasing away the cockroaches. That dust stinks! I hope the cockroaches will hate it too.

Usually when I’m on my own I like any company. But I have enough spiders for company for now. Cockroaches are too much!

That’s how I live! :)))

From Monday I’m back to work in court! :)))

Not long left! Soon this bacchanalia will end!

I’m impatient to get your letters.

If you want you can publish this on RosUznik. So people don’t ask me about my daily life as much ;))) Until we talk and meet.

02.10.2015 Nadiya

Source, original letter: RosUznik
Source, translation: XSovietUnion blog

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