A brief history lesson…

Surely most of you have heard by now that Crimea was a ‘generous gift’ to Ukraine made by Soviet government of the time. And although Crimea is one of the most beautiful corneners of the world (seriously, when this madness is over, you should check it out), it was in pretty bad shape when the peninsula was given over to Ukraine. One of the reasons was:


Since then Tatars were welcomed back to Crimea. And yes, we had and still have our difficulties and differences, but it’s nothing we can’t handle between ourselves. Why otherwise would the absolute majority of Tatars express their support for Crimea staying a part of Ukraine?! Probably because they recognise that ‘crazy nationalists’ in Ukraine will take better care of the community of Tatars than Russian government could ever do, especially considering the past encounters… (Yes, yes, I know, modern Russia isn’t the same as Soviet Union, but seeing the recent events, one could safely claim the methods remain the same. And don’t tell me that you haven’t been warned!)

(Picture was taken from: https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanart/photos/a.471321999652135.1073741827.471314229652912/510271059090562/?type=1&theater )


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6 Responses to A brief history lesson…

  1. shek1na says:

    2014 will be a year of tribulation.

    The sixth seal

    God bless you and your family.

  2. achilliad says:

    Very intriguing and needed history lesson! Thank you. My fiancee` is currently in Zaporozhye with her elderly mum. I am thinking of launching a crowdfunder campaign to “liberate” them from there ahead of any hostilities. See “Cafe` Skype” on my wordpress blog for more.

  3. Став says:

    Wikipedia in Russian: According to the 1939 census of the Crimean Tatars in Crimea, there were 218,179 people, or 19.4%

    So, pls stop lying

    Википедия :
    Согласно данным переписи 1939 года крымских татар в Крыму насчитывалось 218179 человек, то есть 19,4 %

  4. achilliad says:

    Euromaiden: please delete my above comment. The city I mentioned is wrong. Thank You.

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