Inspirational Maidan: blogger Dmytro Riznychenko. (video)

February 20, 2014 Facebook
Translated by Olia Knight
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In a tragic and euphoric moment last morning (February 20), when sad interior troops walked all the way to the Cabinet of Ministers, and protesters just started to master the abandoned concrete barricades, I walked around the suddently deserted Hrishevkisy Street practically alone.

I was finally able to get through to my wife on the phone, whom I lost in the heat of the morning shootout, and whom I buried, cursed, forgave and called out for numerous times in my mind. I asked her to meet me next to some recently abandoned military cargo trucks. Vika came with a rose she miraculously procured (where on earth would it come from in the midst of burnt barricades?!) from somewhere.

I walked hand-to-hand towards the Verkhovna Rada [Ukrainian Parliament]. It was quiet, tense and bright outside…

And then, coming from the darkest corners of the military formation, away from their ratting urals [cargo trucks]. Away from the gray shields. There walks the figure of a totally insane journalist, Serhiy Rulyov [a controversial figure in Ukraine].

That is how we live, Kyivans.

This is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is 11:25 am. I can hear the church bells ringing. Here is Dmytro Rizhychenko in front of us. Dmytro, can you please talk and give us some information? Good day, Dmytro, we know you, and you know us. Do not spit at me today, okay? Give me the information.
-I am really sorry for doing that.
-Oh, thank goodness. Good boy.
-Dmytro, can you please introduce and name youself? Can you comment on the situation today?
-I don’t know. There were commanders of Interior forces over there, and they say they are sick and tired of fighting, and that they really don’t want to and that they are being sent under bullets.
-Please say who you are, and who this girl next to you is?
-This is my wife Vika.
-Vika? Wonderful. Let me introduce myself, I am Serhiy Rulyov, I work at Navigator information agency. I promised that I will show truth on both sides [of the barricades]. Our information agency reports truthful information both from the troops and the protesters or revolutionaries. Yes?
-Dmytro always knew me when I came over. So, tell us, as a Ukrainian nationalist, what will happen in Ukraine?
-I have no idea what will happen to Ukraine. I just want these fights and war to end. Honestly.
-People, listen to what this Ukrainian nationalist is saying. Dmytro Reznychenko, who by himself went against Berkut police a year ago and spent some time behind bars for that.
-I have served my time, all is good.
-Do you want peace, Dima?
-Yes, I want peace. I am fed up with this [current events in Ukraine] already. I want all of this to end.
– Thank you, Dima. [Bows to him and his wife.] This is Sergiy Rulyov. –Oh my God! They came with flowers!! Can you lift it [the bouqet] up? Vitochka [Vika] came with flowers! Are you a Ukrainian nationalist? All right, thank you very much! My report is done.

Photo Source:
Riznychenko’s blog:

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